Hi there,
I’m sorry you feel like the post didn’t live up to your expectations, really.
Tried my best to distill and vulgarize API knowledge, which is no small task hehe!
However, I actually did provide examples. Sorry for asking, but, did you read the post in its entirety? See section “How to use APIs: practical examples.”
As far as terminology definitions go, I agree that I could have added maybe a few more official definitions. Maybe stuff like “requests & responses” could’ve been more detailed; I assumed the principles were known, my bad. However, again, I did provide many definitions (APIs official definition + vulgarized + counterexamples, endpoints, “consuming”, links to HTTP verbs).
I strongly believe an article should respect a certain scope, and that’s what I tried to do with this one. Meaning if I wanted to cover APIs from A to Z, I’d have written an ebook. This, in its scope, remains an introduction. In that sense, pointing sometimes to external resources does make sense for readers. Web development now includes JavaScript, so I’m afraid “code speak” is now an integral part of web dev speak. Again, sorry if that was confusing to you.
While I don’t agree with all of it and its format, I do appreciate the candid feedback.
Have a good one!